Posts for January 15, 2014


#4556 reply report

What's a good ping speed?

- Posted by BillyJean


#4555 reply report

Its ok, play the game for fun, ignore any hate from any other players trying to put you down. Find yourself a good bunch of friends who don't mind the way you play and chat with them. Just DON'T do what I did in the other versions of the game and cheat. One player I would like to mention is Liu Kang, almost everybody hated on this guy from day 1. They called him a raid dodger and really gave him a hard time. He spoke to me a lot and listened to what tips I could give him (along with tips from others) and he became a pretty damn good player. He ignored all the hate and learned to brush it off and just keep on trying. This is all I ask from anybody who feels like they are a nobody (as a player) or feel like people are hating on them to much. Prove people wrong, there is no better feeling.

- Posted by Hyman Krustofsky