Posts for December 14, 2013


#4292 reply report

Satutory Ape, hah that was some good fun. You guys definitely had me bested.

- Posted by -Reticulated pythoN-

#4293 reply report

lol bro theres more than enough example out there yet still same story

- Posted by HUMPDAYYYY

#4295 reply report

Great battling out there ladies and gents! TY to Judge Harm for the homing kill for triple star! I know it was an accident, you still had armors.
The ImPeRiaL Empire looks forward to all battles! Hope to see another organized team out there on the field!

- Posted by - ImPeRiaL - I -

#4301 reply report


- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4302 reply report

Liu Kang-
You aspire to be an elite player yet relentlessly try to start raids on ranks that are useless to you? Makes you look like a scrub

- Posted by guest


#4294 reply report


- Posted by Sponge Bob


#4297 reply report

Nice try Sponge Bob ! That was close .

- Posted by Mrr

#4296 reply report

nice way to gank my trophy guys since Tp aint doin nothin about the free kills imma just make sure i get couple friends on next time...lames

- Posted by Sponge Bob