Posts for October 14, 2015
What is this chat that everyone is talking about?? I would like to be able to talk to yall without having to wait a day for a response.
- Posted by -xJedi
Ok i lied. I found another place to talk to everyone and i still havent received my mail for confirmation
- Posted by -xJedi
@DeatH Warrant
I like fighting you. You're good! :)
P.S all
My raid taking skills are a bit rusty, I'll get back into it though.
As always, come get me, I'm always down to take a raid! Challenge Accepted anytime !
- Posted by Abraham Simpson II
Re: Gold Cup (Des/Oct 13)...Congrats bro...well played!
To: -xWife
Re: Why didn't you sit still and fight me? You were #1 and I was #2 (the only 2 Capt's). I ended up with silver, but just curious as to why you didn't just ride it out with me? :(
- Posted by PineappleXpress