Posts for August 13, 2024


#24245 reply report

e X c L u S i V e
way to die in a 1v2 with the map mined purp and a purp maj to help half the time. LOL the only thing you exclusive at is drawing attention on yourself and dying. Next time think twice before comin' at me with the homers. Mind yo business. You wanna pph? Come like a man. You wanna die? come like a troll. You go down faster than the serg bots bro. Better stock up on them keyboards bc you gonna be smashing a lot of them. Yeah I saw that.

- Posted by Boba Fett

#24246 reply report

e X c L u S i V e
Hey man, I know you have over 2000+ hours and 12+ years of experience, and use to have a Top 1-2 tank overall, but lately you seem to be on the losing end of our encounters...try using the radar to detect enemy mines. Best of luck next time.

- Posted by KoRn