Posts for July 13, 2016


#13285 reply report

Wheres my crew at?
Respekt my authoritah!!!

- Posted by Stan Marsh


#13283 reply report

the gods once again bless our Supreme Commander and guide him toward victory, allowing him to secure no less than 3 cups in 4 tournament attempts, once again demonstrating to all that he is being led by hidden divine forces. many players proclaim, albeit falsely, that they are the best, launching propaganda campaigns to showcase their accomplishments and even making unrealistic exaggerations in an attempt to bolster their reputation. our Supreme Commander never resorts to such petty tactics.

- Posted by Blue Headquarters

#13284 reply report

instead of making noise on bulletin boards and in chat rooms, he distinguishes himself from every pretender by exhibiting unmatched skill through his actions on the field, actions which are fortified by victory 100% of the time. this is the mark of a superior soldier, a mark which only he carries! my "true blue" brethren, all glory belongs to him!

- Posted by Blue Headquarters