Posts for June 13, 2018


#16294 reply report

President McCool
Let's start by letting you know, 'son' I don't give two s***s about this game and its current state. When devs stop caring so should every single player and also walk away. I'm sure we could both agree on that. Secondly, I'm not mad at all just stating the obvious when you are literally the only one on the game for 12+ hours and not even playing it. Explain to me how that is 'fun' you dweeb. What does bother me is that you are still here, 'snow flake'.

- Posted by Epitome

#16295 reply report

President McCool (cont..)
You are correct though, you are the evidence needed for me to not play this game anymore. So coo-dos to you for proving a point. Yet, playing for 'fun' is laughable coming from a player who leaves when their tank is about to be deactivated or hell, leaves when a rank above logs in with different color. Which you constantly do. You don't deserve any awards with cowardly plays like that. You probably got those three stars illegitimately anyways. Talk about fun times huh

- Posted by Epitome