Posts for April 13, 2023
Crazed- -Antics ,
Just trying to see how many points I can accumulate before shiner without ranking. Got a ways to go, I’m sure I’ll mess it up. Just a little personal challenge for myself while there’s not much else going on in main. Didn’t mean to come across as trying to get more points off you.
- Posted by Medicine Bow
Ya'll do realize that it's the same people fighting over tournaments and griping about what happens in main all the time, right?
The egoist crap has essentially literally chased everyone else off and completely ruined the activity.
Kudos on your lack of sportsmanship and allowing your obsessive behavior to control your mouth and actions in such a manner that it has ruined it for others...
Grow up kids, the 2ks are over.
- Posted by - Sun Spots -
Can we get another map? It's been DESERT for literally every.
Rocks & Swamp
Appaloosa Land
Crazy Mazy?