Posts for April 13, 2014


#5187 reply report

Hand down the shark-repellent Bat-spray.

- Posted by Batman

#5188 reply report

i've only been back on this game for a month or so, but it seems to me there is a lot of courtesy going around from long time players extended to newbies. tourneys, well its a competition. when the noobs dethrown the oldies it'll be a new era. The time will come. Personally i like the game and i plan to keep on playing. Maybe instead of complaining about the established order, you should recruit some friends and mix it up.

- Posted by BladeRunner

#5192 reply report

@ - WhereDidVanGogh -
I can understand your frustration. But would you rather veteran players not be aloud to play? Whats the value in a cup if you were the only one competing? When you need to step your game up in order to achieve it, it makes victory taste like ferry dust and diamonds...That of course is phenomenal.

- Posted by The Revelation XI

#5193 reply report

To WhereDidVanGogh, speed hack does not exist in this game, just an FYI. Nice attempts today in desert, too, btw. See you on the field!

- Posted by HONOR


#5189 reply report

BLASTREM Why would you kill a sergant that you didnt need then quit once gettin raided? Why are you so bad kid? why is that all you do is color flip like everyone else.

- Posted by -BiG Weiner SNAKE-


#5190 reply report

Great job Touge! Well earned cup!

- Posted by SEAGRAVE

#5191 reply report

Congrats TougeMonster on silver cup!

- Posted by Thundercracker

#5194 reply report

Alakazam foresaw a cup! The forseen cup was achieved! Alakazam wins Gold!

- Posted by Alakazam