Posts for March 13, 2018


#16005 reply report

I have no idea what you are talking about do you?

- Posted by getchya

#16006 reply report

panktip lamest tank

- Posted by happy gilmore

#16007 reply report

As you well know as you name all of your fudge packer brothers, its hard for honest tanks to cup because low life's like you run on speed hack, and all your little fudge brothers get on and gang on a player so one of the fudges can win. Its so old and boring even playing in them because of the lifers that live in the tourneys. I mean no matter what time of day or night you no lifers are there to cheat up another cup for one of your boyfriends.

- Posted by Maldezz


#16008 reply report

VeganHero, the map changes at least once a week. There's not enough players for more than one at a time.

- Posted by - Mercury -

#16009 reply report

New comers come join TP Discord chat

- Posted by Discord


#16004 reply report

Thanks Sigma, not surprised you'd have an issue with this.. Save the condescending conversation of how to play against that scenario, der..
I get cups, maybe not as many as you but I never have and never will believe you got all those legit! Sorry. and no, I am not Really concerned, it's not that big of a deal.

- Posted by getchya

#16010 reply report

happy gilmore,
You were the biggest cheater in that tournament.
"There is one rule in tournaments: players are not allowed to give "free kills", which means to intentionally allow themselves to be deactivated. Players who violate this rule will lose their ability to participate in tournaments and cups that were cheated for may be revoked."
Careful, your trolling might just come to an end soon.

- Posted by WISTERIA