Posts for March 13, 2016


#12796 reply report

Tank Apprentice
Episode 7: lunar lavender and the Deathly Tanks (Part II)
From Brazil came Homer J Simpson, the newest owner of the Elder Equipment after defeating Grindeltank in a duel.
From Japan came HONOR, bruised and rusty, masked by the Ferry of Invisibility. It was left there for him to discover by Albus Dumbletank.
From India came our third finalist, Incontinent Beaver, who found the Resurrection Obstacle disguised as a projectile.
These are the Deathly Tanks.

- Posted by parsec parsley

#12797 reply report

Not the three-eyed fish SMCo thought
(MSNBC) SMCo. is known for making top-notch orange battle tanks out of the most popular creatures Springfield has to offer. Blinky, for example, was thought to be the result of mutation from swimming in waters surrounding the Springfield Nuclear Plant.
But names can be deceiving. parsec parsley learned earlier today that Blinky is ACTUALLY a Klown, not at all the popular three-eyed fish.
SMCo. had no comment on this story.

- Posted by parsec parsley

#12798 reply report

Bboyz. Barbrady was ahead of you at one point, till you went and hopped on a ferry. Woulda been easy for you to just let it slide since you took a cheaper route to sneaking your teammate out of a cup. Greed does a lot to people though.

- Posted by singularity saffron

#12799 reply report

Wow aeris.
Dipped on a raid again. :( You used to be one of my favorite players

- Posted by Cracki3


#12795 reply report

+1 to a random red colonel who planted mines on fuels so hard while pph-ing with me ('-'d). So pathetic

- Posted by Murcielago