Posts for March 13, 2012


#902 reply report

Willy, ONE MAN TEAM and others
I apologize for what happened that was my first tourney, I was mobbed twice and after that I started dieing down like an idiot. Their is no excuse for what I did. All I can say is that I read somewhere else about how upset everyone was with me and then I realized I messed things up for you guys. I wasnt aware how important these things where and I am still not really aware of the many unwriten rules you old school guys have. I am new to the game, I am bound to make mistakes. If you cant understand that then take it out on me on the feild. I am looking to improve at this game and I need to take more raids without running.

- Posted by Nameless

#903 reply report

I may not be the best person to offer advice. Definitely not the best raid taker out there. Though I would say a safe general rule of thumb is to try to play bravely yet still survive. Don't limit yourself with rules such as "don't teleport more than one screen." For example, I ran out of Extra Radars yesterday after the reds raided me for a 3rd time so I just ran across the map to fill. That may have looked cowardly out of context, but I didn't think twice about doing it.

- Posted by Willy

#905 reply report

lol, boohoooooo

- Posted by -SeVeR-


#901 reply report

Garbage, lol. How many hours do you have built up in this game. I am at 40 max and half of that was back in 2000. I know none of your rules I come in to my first tourney and get mobed by more then 6 guys all random colors. Not once but twice. It was all mostly old skill all ganging up on a newb. After being killed twice like that I was frusturated and said F it ill go give someone captin for free and leave. Yeah it was a bad move on my part but sitting in my seat knowing none of these un-writen rules all I was, was a newb on the field making another mistake.
I took my first decent raid today it was a 4-5v1 I lasted about 5 mintus I think maybe longer it seemed like forever on my end. Then the second time they raided me I lived but I didnt fight back enough. I dont know man I am trying to learn out there.
Ill except your raids, I am attempting to improve at this game and maybe possibly get on par with some of you guys that have been playing for ever!

- Posted by Nameless

#904 reply report


- Posted by Maraxus