Posts for December 13, 2013


#4289 reply report

Mad props goes to Reticulated Python for showing heart and what it means to fight on the field. Base wars was great vs you.

- Posted by Statutory Ape

#4290 reply report

Sponge Bob
Switching colors to break into a base is a cheap tactic. You shouldn't do it again. We were having a very good fight until you did that.
See you on the field

- Posted by Insufficient Fuel

#4291 reply report

My fault to imperial and turkey and who ever else was raiding me. I didnt quit low my darn computer kept telling me it needed to update every 5 minutes and i kept postponing it and this time i hit the wrong button,believe i was in awww... i dont quit on raid guys i take them as best as i can until i die... see you on the field.. Got to go to work now money calls....

- Posted by Spursallday86

#4286 reply report

I try to play as decent as I can to make this game fun for everyone. I'll take raids whenever I'm in, unless I'm being distracted by something else ie I'm on the phone (Then I'll sit in the water and let people get pp off me). I can't speak for all the blues, but when people quit low it is making the game worse off. I wasn't thirsty for the kill as much as trying to get you back for quitting low and coming in as a guest. Even if the blues as a whole play like a bunch of noobs, you quitting low isn't making the situation better. Want people to play more fair? Lead by example.

- Posted by goober

#4284 reply report

Midnight 1
as in the original Middy? Epic 11?
- Posted by maximus
I was EPIC 11

- Posted by Kitsunegari


#4288 reply report

Spongebob don't be such a sore loser.
Same goes for New World Order. Using cowardice methods like switching to red to break the base from the inside. Sorry you got owned like a complete scrub.

- Posted by Statutory Ape


#4287 reply report

@ ImPeRiaL's
Nice fighting out there, and I look forward to fighting your whole team at once. o7

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#4285 reply report

@ InkedSage
I appreciate the interest you're showing for the imperials' squad. Unfortunately, I do not call the shots for this team, so I would have to run it by our leader first to see if we're still recruiting; we prefer smaller rosters. In the mean time, it seems like Kung Lao is still recruiting for his MK team.

- Posted by - ImPeRiaL - III -

#4283 reply report

As the leader of the ImPeRiaL Empire, I appreciate your interest in the team. As of this moment, I will pass judgement, in hopes of seeing you active on the field of battle more! Once I have seen your abilities as a player my judgement shall fall.

- Posted by - ImPeRiaL - I -