Posts for January 13, 2015
Back off on Silicon / Superiority Complex. He was probably not interested in taking raids because he was getting close to his shining sword, which most players prefer to celebrate at the general rank. Let's see you take some raids and win some cups, before you bad-mouth talented players like him.
- Posted by Sigma
You are a terrible tank player. You do not deserve the rank #28. The only thing you do is join your blues whenever they decide to raid someone. You will never do a 1v1. SMH
- Posted by xXxBIGBADDOGxXx
That's unfortunate. I thought Carthage had a chance to become a decent player.
- Posted by SimplyElite
@Roving Raging Red
I was less than an hour away from the shining sword, if you really believed I would allow you guys to kill me prior to that, you've got another thing coming.
- Posted by - Silicon -
Red With Rage,
ya 2thache does that all the time, i think he only know's how to teleport to ferries and run away all the time.
- Posted by Peppermint Butler
Sorry oranges - couldn't hang around for your raid. Genuinely gutted...would've been good. Maybe another time.
- Posted by Ady