Posts for August 12, 2023


#23250 reply report

HaHaHa ,
Don't mistaken my masculine style of writing as being angry, it's just the dominate alpha in me.

- Posted by HaHaHa


#23240 reply report

Miyamoto Musashi ,
Lions are also bold, who have courage and don't hide in the shadows in the face of adversity. You wanna be a lion so bad yet you sit on the edge sniping the lions den. You're not even a hyena, you're barely a snake. Put the man panties on and toughen up.

- Posted by Mhm

#23253 reply report

Miyamoto Musashi ,
Quaint to liken yourself to a lion. Unaware of the sheepdog's essence – steadfast guardian of the flock. Solitary lions pale to resolute protectors. Your narrow view betrays intricate dynamics. I'm no sheep, but sentinel and enforcer. While you revel in lone delusions, I embrace shielding the herd from chaos.

- Posted by HaHaHa

#23254 reply report

Miyamoto Musashi ,
Btw identifying as a lion (like raWr) won't change the facts. 😅 🤣 😂. Man up or stay feminized. 🤡

- Posted by HaHaHa