Posts for April 12, 2014


#5182 reply report

Good Day

- Posted by Game Admin

#5183 reply report

Favorite fast food burgers what's yours?

- Posted by Judge Constance Harm

#5184 reply report

Welcome back Bear Jew,
Most of us are from the bonus days so I hope you enjoy playing again like we all do! Best of luck on the field I'll see you around.

- Posted by goober

#5185 reply report

hey guys what ever happened to players like wikid ambitionz, wikid sensationz, hyperion, liquified, I cant think of any more names.

- Posted by CrazyStrongStud

#5186 reply report

People wonder why this games so dead? It's because it's the same corny players doing the same repeat thing over and over. People still need to speed hack, and people who basically troll tournaments with the same lame names just to cup a tank, not even use it and brag about nothing. Its a never ending cycle with this game because people don't want to change and others players just simply grow tired of it so they move on to something else. If you want to keep people around and new players coming back, end the cycle, but apparently that's too much for the egotistic players who currently infest this game. So I really don't understand what they expect as far as a more active game.

- Posted by - WhereDidVanGogh -