Posts for February 12, 2016


#12562 reply report

Just wanted to say hi,
It's been awhile. I Suck and I QLOW
See you noobs for the weekend tourney!


#12563 reply report

How many hours are you at dude?
Just curious.

- Posted by Badboyz

#12564 reply report

Fun stuff tonight. Aristotle, somehow while you were taking your raid, you managed to steal two of my fuels while I was trying to take mine. Well played, my frustration went through the roof, but couldn't help but laugh at how that had gone down. You turned my take that was going well into an insufficient nightmare just waiting for my death. Lag had caused me a first screen death later on as well. Win some lose some I suppose. Till next time.

- Posted by singularity saffron

#12565 reply report

That was fun trying to take down Jesus Christ the lieu earlier. We almost had him!

- Posted by solar salt

#12566 reply report

There seems to be a lot of fussing over props given and not given on all sides of the field. I'd have to say that a very large percentage of my takes have gone un-propped just by observation, but props aren't why I hop into the field. If you play against me you know what I'm about and just exactly how I play. I don't need my fun in the field justified elsewhere, while the gesture is appreciated, actions speak louder than words. Just wanted to place my thoughts on the matter. Come get me!

- Posted by singularity saffron


#12561 reply report

LOL aight man its all good an if you were doing it to get me to take raids you had the wrong idea i just started to take them just cus i wanted to. And if a hommie cannot keep his Rank for a few days without CRYBABYs crying " he wont let us kill him WAAAAA " then who cares im not in this game to take 10 raids a day i like to pph.

- Posted by Frinzee