Posts for November 12, 2013


#3886 reply report


- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#3877 reply report

@ the blue team.
I take your raids very very often and for once I didn't want to be apart of it. so please respect that and don't say "my dog plays better than you" etc.


#3876 reply report

@Smoke/B Man 99
My apologizes for leaving the game on you both. I was downloading a torrent and while waiting I logged into TankPit to refill my shields. You both attacked and I tried clicking on "Be Right Back" but your attack was relentless. I had a little lag going on due to the torrent, so I had no choice but to "Q." Next time we're on the field, feel free to come test me, as long as my connection is not lagged, I'll be more than happy to battle you both to the death. Your Enemy, TROUBLE

- Posted by TROUBLE

#3879 reply report

Calling all purple. I've been playing as 'Flubber' and it seems nobody wants to take our raids. I have almost 9 hours of raiding and I've seen 4 deaths and over 20 people quitting out. I've also noticed players saying they 'owned' a raid and had been taking with no radars when I've been in on a guest tank to spy all along. I see the player not even shooting back and averaging 1 shot per 4-5 screens. Kind of pathetic, this player has now been added to a list of 'legit' downers. As for supreme commander, way to lead the blues. Follow the leader right? No wonder none of them shoot back in raids and quit out as soon as 3-4 players land on screen. You've got them playing exactly like you! Props!

- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#3880 reply report

HAHAHA ----> Liu Kang, Smoke, Skullcruncher, Frost, & Vicodin
Let it be known, that yours truly, took these clowns for the TOUR of their life this great evening. See, when 5 tanks pop up on your screen, it's time for the TOUR. I invented this strategy and it should help some of you who don't appreciate getting raided like this. All you have to do is turn on your shields and teleport around the map. Every now and then, you'll catch one of these clowns following you and you can get a free kill when their low on fuel (the trick is to fuel up & teleport to an area with NO FUEL). For the most part, these clowns will click on, "Lame" and "My Dog Plays Better Than You." They don't realize that words don't hurt. They think they are superior due to numbers, when in fact, THEY are the "Lame" ones having to gang up to take out 1 Colonel. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!!! Keep chasing clowns and I'll take you on the TOUR again.
P.S. Don't forget to bring your Passport!

- Posted by TROUBLE

#3881 reply report

@Johnny Dangerously / Lonely Hearts
The blues accept your challenge.

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#3882 reply report

@God of War
No one made you come here and play this game, So go play your tetris

- Posted by GeneralSick

#3883 reply report

so what programs everyone use for speed? swear im the slowest tank on the game ....really would love to know what warrior uses...that dude way too fast no way hes not using something...i gotta switch colors for programs or what? hook me up i wanna cheat too...

- Posted by Sponge Bob

#3885 reply report

lol got a reply back that said they have an anti cheat system that detects cheaters...def a lie

- Posted by God of War


#3878 reply report

Elements, please double in numbers and then double again. I'll still dominate your weak raid, for this is spprriinnmgggffiieeelldddd!

- Posted by Krusty The Clown