Posts for October 12, 2022
Fleur du Mal ,
There was zero exaggeration. You're telling everyone to sit serg not just trolling 1 person as well as criticizing others adopting your cringe strategy. I didn't "sit serg" either. I had a 84/84/84/84/18 at 15minutes in corp that gave me serg counted for lieu. That wasn't sitting sergeant that's just how far behind I was.1st was lieu and had killed 2-3 bots when I started fighting hence 15k deficit. Don't like it when people that perform better "troll" you back eh
- Posted by Definitive Edition
Fleur du Mal ,
Sitting serg is a very viable strategy in low turnout tournaments. That's why I called it cringe. The fact you can't make it work half the time speaks more to you as a player than the strategy. Keep gaslighting and sipping's hilarious you aren't even aware you gaslight people you're just that delusional.
- Posted by Definitive Edition