Posts for January 12, 2014


#4525 reply report

hello, are you Turkey from the old game? I remember you if you were. I don't remember many players but you were a beast... and orange right?
I used to be Boy, ranked 6th on castles. Nice to see ya again. although we didn't play much cause you wernt a castles guy i believe.

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4526 reply report

Kind of fun too!

- Posted by Snearboy

#4528 reply report

Ha ha, apparently when you see one of my "fun" tanks come in, you think it means an easy mark! Hate to disappoint. But have fun anyway :)

- Posted by HavingFun

#4529 reply report

@ TheOriginalTurkey
Hey man are you the guy from apps back in the day? Blue or purple I think?

- Posted by DirtyLaundry

#4530 reply report

Are people using separate servers to play this game? If i remember correctly on the old BF people would play through a separate program that would make their speed 5x faster. I didn't figure this out until a while into playing. I call BS on a lot of stuff I see playing. Teleport, move twice then shoot before I can make a turn. Really takes the fun out of it when players cheat their way through it.

- Posted by YeP


#4527 reply report

LOL you are funny.

- Posted by Snearboy

#4532 reply report

Un-newb yourself "BlastFromThePast"

- Posted by Otto Mann

#4533 reply report

To: Warman,
Keep on going dude, you show tons of promise. Dont worry about being de-activated or always having to hide behind mountains/obstacles to shoot someone. Your tank is gonna sustain damage, but you're gonna give some damage too. Not too long ago, I was in your shoes......just keep plug'n away and you'll get better in no time. Feel free to fight me anytime.
Your Friend,

- Posted by WEENIE BOY


#4531 reply report

Well that would have been a nice battle for gold between BG, Asteroid and myself had i not turned my armors off moving to a fuel. Thanks Boa you and your corporal really needed that kill. GG though. Ruined me good with a 800 fuel in sight.

- Posted by LaNDSLiDe