Posts for February 11, 2013


#2141 reply report

Talking about respect, I actually respected you as a player until you done that. Now I am not looking to start a big fight over how people play the game we all play different and we have our ways of playing. I just don't see any skill in killing someone that is away from the game that may have forgot to log out or had to suddenly leave the game without time to log out which was my case. If you want to talk about how I play go ahead and do so honestly I could care less what you think about me and my play style. Unfortunately I can't continuously play and have time to duke it out for an hour or so. If you have notice I log off quite often sometimes I maybe in a fight or just sitting there and honestly I would rather avoid a fight that I would have to log off during due to things happening around me. But I log off for a reason not to just get away from a fight or to keep myself for dying.

- Posted by Draxor

#2142 reply report

YOLO, make sure your BFF's know they are your BFF's ... PRIDE you are my one, my only, my BFF!

- Posted by Krusty The Clown


#2140 reply report

TO Krusty the Klown and the Rest of the Simpsons Yall SCRUBS FACT

- Posted by LeBron James