Posts for April 10, 2016


#12965 reply report

I'm a model, you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the STANY
Yeah, on the STANY
On the STANY, yeah
I do my little turn on the STANY

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#12966 reply report

ASHY had more of a ring to it -_-

- Posted by Stan Marsh

#12967 reply report

Flying high,
Just PMd a Admin to have your account activated/email sent.
check it out.

- Posted by Stan Marsh

#12970 reply report

Nice fight out there Potter. Keep it up!

- Posted by Tyrant

#12971 reply report

You are added my friend ;)

- Posted by Optimus Prime


#12968 reply report

you're one of the most disappointing players I've ever encountered. So much potential yet you choose to play like a goon. Playing the majority color, and when you finally do choose to take a "raid" or get forced into taking because you cant quit out it's pretty sad to watch. You have the ability to be good yet you choose not to, and rather be a nuisance. Shame.

- Posted by weekend nachos


#12969 reply report

you were very close to winning a cup yesterday luscious lyon... keep at it you'll get there!

- Posted by nebulous nutmeg