Posts for March 10, 2018


#15980 reply report

Dear Gods of TP;
the self proclaimed "top 5" player getchya is making me feel uncomfortable referring to me having a "candy tail"! Can you please see to it that he keeps his deviant ways and connotations to himself? It made me kind of throw up in a mouth a little bit!@#
Thank you;

- Posted by OSPF ROUTING

#15981 reply report

Bite me fraction! lol
I can tell you I will always come after you no matter how bad you are, there is more to your hatred towards me so just keep it to yourself. NO one cares, certainly not me.
You accomplish absolutely nothing with your bullying other than others see what a **** head you are. I laugh at your foolishness. See you on the field little man!

- Posted by getchya

#15983 reply report

TULIP/GB Fudgepackers Autistic McFatty 2 Downsyndrome kids,
Your so called Friday beatdowns arent even beatdowns. Nice try though

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#15984 reply report

@ Gelato 41
I come on Battlefield for the first time in years, decide to build some bases for old times sake, and here you come reminding me of the frustration of someone destroying your hard work in front of you. Thanks for bringing back the memories!

- Posted by Zacky Wacky

#15985 reply report

Fog Faction,
You sound kinda dumb man. You yapping and crying about a tank getchya that has more experience than u r old. And then you have the stupidity to cry because he wont stand still while you and a gang of cowards (half on speed hack) try and gank him! are the idiot...and no one is gonna stand there so you can get a cheap easy kill, we all know it's the only way you can kill anybody anyway. Shad up.

- Posted by Timmy

#15986 reply report

lol..well least we know Gelato 41 is a no skilled chump that can't get a higher rank without giving and getting free I thought he was a good tank. he wont help when called upon (too scared) now that I see his true skill level. And another scum bucket that is his fudge buddy named Camilla. Seems these two have to free kill ea. other to get rank. Sad.

- Posted by Timmy

#15987 reply report

Good bye guys. I'm going to leave TankPit for a bit.

- Posted by Chicken


#15979 reply report

New comers come join TP Discord chat

- Posted by Discord


#15982 reply report

shethicka and 1956, very pathetic for that free kill in the torny.. How sad it was so obvious, I hope someone beats you out in points because you are a cheating sad soul.. I tried to prevent it but when you're on butspeak like you two were it's hard. Big loser cup on that tank if it holds. Game should take it from you. quit half way through because I lost so many points in time trying to prevent the obvious..

- Posted by CRaY CRaY