Posts for March 10, 2016
Tank Apprentice
Episode 7: lunar lavender and the Deathly Tanks (Part I)
The Elder Equipment, the Resurrection Obstacle, and the Ferry of Invisibility. Together, the Deathly Tanks. To possess all three is to become Master of Deactivation.
All seven of our remaining tanks will venture across the Orbital on their own in search of these artifacts. Only the three tanks who find an artifact will advance to the final round.
- Posted by parsec parsley
Interesting I'd be targeted right after I had already emptied on the blues till i had no ERs for 8 screens. Guess that was sensed that I was still filling and blues decided to target me again for an easier kill since I had 5 ERs to start that raid. I liked the challenge. But Badboyz, when you turn around and run spamming brb after yet another poor low-risk raid take, don't expect me to respect you, since you had no issue targeting an unfilled player who already took your raid no contest.
- Posted by singularity saffron
Your problem is not that you are new to this game. Your problem is that your current teammates are unwilling to defend you or stand by your side in battle.
SPI, the lead manufacturer of red tanks, builds tanks that value self over service. If you're red, you're dead.
Join the Purple team and I vow to defend your honor in the Desert until such a time that you can defend yourself. The phalanx of the Spices from Space will be the foundation of your future success.
- Posted by parsec parsley