Posts for February 10, 2015
Ouch, man. Sorry about that, and thank you for the rank up. Always hurts to die with shields. You should turn them on whenever you teleport.
- Posted by sFear
Un mensaje para los hispanohablantes de este juego... ¿Hay alguien que pueda hablar el idiomo de sus padres así? ¿Dónde están mis amig@s chican@s? Levanten el mano y creemos un equipo super poderoso del color azul.. muahaha..
Un saludo muy cordial--
Señor Salchicha
- Posted by Senor Salchicha
Fox, Smith, Jozlin - You guys on here yet? Got the triple star last night, finally! Well, shouldn't complain being it only took 3 hours. Thanks for the help red mob. See ya on the field goonies.
- Posted by TraditionalArcher
Good job taking on the reds bud. It seems you've gained some experience whilst I've been away. I'm surprised to see you absent of a battered sword yet. Anyways, I'll see you on the field man.
- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito
Sick take man. You're so close to rusty. Tip of the hat to you, sir.
- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito
you are THE MOST cowardly player out on the field i've ever seen. my god dude grow some balls and fight once in a while. stop hiding in raids. no one has any respect for you. learn to play
- Posted by Peppermint Butler
You're a pretty good teammate, except one small thing: if you're a colonel and there are a bunch of majors on your team chasing a captain, when the guy gets low on shields and fuel to the point it's obvious he's going to die, it'd be nice if you'd hold off on shooting him more so that the majors on your team have a better chance to rank off him.
Still awesome seeing you out there! :D
- Posted by sFear