Posts for June 1, 2023
Antagonize ,
Oh how fun! What other crazy theories should we discuss? Would you like to hurl more speed hack accusations? Or perhaps we can talk about all these gifted cups on my account? How much time do you and your friends dedicate to talking about little old me? No! I can't be a legitimately good player! Who would you all have to paint as the villian? It certainty can't be you! You must be the perfect player?!
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
Antagonize ,
I'm not sure how you take my points for sergeant tricking as advocating for free kills. Sergeant tricking is fair play, free kills are not. I'm sure everyone has received a free kill at some point, whether it be on accident or intentional. You included. Now, do I have a pattern of free kills from the same player? Have I made captain in 90% of my tournaments in the past year? Do you feel your posts bother me in the slightest? Crushing your logic day after day is entertaining!
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
Antagonize ,
You did make a wise adjustment, congratulations on your cup! Apparently you learned to employee a new strategy! A prophet? Why thank you! Happy to inspire you!
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
Antagonize ,
Lets take a magical trip into how a 12 year old argues!
May 26th you wrote "everyone serg tricks"
May 27th it turned into "someone"
May 29th it turned into ONLY me and “the only one for several months”
May 31st was “the only one doing it for weeks”!
Are we confused? Or maybe you’ve done some actual research and seen my multiple captain cups over several months? They’re even sorted for you :). But that would mean I’ve made adjustments based on tournaments?!
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
Antagonize ,
So now it’s weeks? I thought it was "several months"? You're all over the place! Sergeant tricking has been commonly used by plenty of players for a very long time, objectively; it can be very beneficial in certain situations and it is certainty not cheating.
Who's crying?, about sergeant tricking... on the BB...For the last week?
- Posted by Nemesis Prime
I am gonna regret this but:
What is serg tricking?
You guys act like it's common knowledge, and maybe it is, but I have no idea what you are going on about