Posts for March 1, 2014


#4846 reply report

Just wanted to give you a quick shout out, good job staying in. You never quit even when you were low on fuel and burning shields. You keep that up and you'll be a pro raid-taker in no time!

- Posted by DIBELLO

#4847 reply report

Nice little battle we had earlier! It was fun. Gotta do it again sometime!

- Posted by Mersh

#4848 reply report

Shout out to all the blues that played today against the overwhelming orange forces. Thank you for making it a fun time, I haven’t been on the chasing side the equation for quite a while I really enjoyed it, even if lance got way to many kills. Also sorry to O Hennery that was just plain unlucky you missing out on quite a few kills, I thought you had the double stars coming your way so many times.
Props to Didello dishing it against the odds on more than one occasion along with simply elite, Snow and snear boy in there doing his bit for the blue team. Thanks to Blastem representing the reds taking a few as we
Thanks to Thant for hoping on a blue tank and taking a few raids as well when there where to many orange players in nice work keeping the action rolling


#4849 reply report

Dranzer, quits low in tournaments! True nooblet!

- Posted by Limited Edition

#4850 reply report

Dream, ...... man up.

- Posted by Limited Edition

#4851 reply report

Greetings Teammates Good luck on the Field

- Posted by IP BANNED

#4853 reply report

Is there a site/spot where we can talk and not have to wait till the next day to get a response from another player? it kinda seems a little slow of a conversation

- Posted by sharpshooter


#4852 reply report

Way to q in the last 5 mins of a tournament. have some honor and die.

- Posted by sharpshooter