Posts for February 1, 2016


#12455 reply report

Homer J Simpson,
lol sure Homer. Wutever you want to believe. funny thing is he died down to captain that night. Why couldn't he compare major numbers? I'll await your excuses. And where's ur response to all the preradaring your team does?

- Posted by supernova sage

#12459 reply report

i just had an admin make sure your account is good. They say it is.
Try logging in again.

- Posted by Stan Marsh

#12463 reply report

Please DISABLE the 'Come Get Me' button on Ashrak2002's account.

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#12465 reply report

Abraham Simpson X,
Y r u hiding behind yet another Abe tank? I have more skill in this game in my little pinky than you have in ur entire prepubescent hairless body you dumb little child. I'm pretty sure Homer can fight his own battles kid.

- Posted by supernova sage

#12466 reply report

Never said Homer didn't take a nice raid. Read my post again before commenting, makes you seem stupid. I was calling out the fact that he took a fk from his teammate when he doesn't really need it. And him being the leader of the simpsons, he should be setting better examples and telling you guys to back off on all the preradaring. Yes Homer doesn't ever step up to police you guys. That's why Jay got away with so much on the old simpsons.

- Posted by supernova sage

#12468 reply report

@Abe X
You don't have the cajones to have a go at the spices under your own name?
If it wasn't for cosmic, Gen. Lucy would be still selling meat from a truck in Edmonton and if it wasn't for cosmic, all these newbs that you see out here pitting, wouldn't be here. I was selling out the world, brother, while they were radaring for Homer, so the way that it is now, brother, with cosmic and the spices, brother, me and the new blood by my side.. whatcha gonna do when the spice boyz run wild on you?

- Posted by cosmic cloves

#12469 reply report

SW can we get weekly, monthly and yearly t25 lists back?

- Posted by Eric Cartman

#12471 reply report

Thanks for the continued action on the field lately guys. Been having a lot of fun taking on the map almost daily. Keep it coming! Also simpsons and south park, no hard feelings about the driving the other night. I had gotten frozen and lost my turn in the mob as everyone moved around. I Just wanted to keep putting on a show! Shining sword coming soon...see you on the field!
Come get me.

- Posted by singularity saffron


#12458 reply report

Tell the truth... you wanted me to touch you and you liked it!

- Posted by Badboyz

#12462 reply report

Stan Hash
I will run. And I will keep on playing the game the way Ive been playing it and there is nothing you can do about it. Come get me!

- Posted by Ashrak2002


#12460 reply report

Cracki3 why are you talking trash? you're not even that good, it doesn't make any sense lol
chill mate

- Posted by celestial cilantro


#12454 reply report

Contgrats on cup Badboyz!!
Nice to see you get that, even if it was my death to make it happen ;)

- Posted by getchya

#12456 reply report

tankpitGOD: "Challenge accepted" - This is one hard tank to cup!

- Posted by Frinzee