Posts for January 1, 2014


#4452 reply report

Happy New Years!

- Posted by General Lucy


#4451 reply report

nope wrong person, no brother. played Iceland, pops tank was DILLIGAF

- Posted by KINGPIN

#4444 reply report

Hey sorry I take so long to respond I just don't currently play and don't pay too much attention to the boards.
Dan was a good guess but wrong! It's Gavin. It's amazing how much time has passed since we all played. How have you been?

- Posted by DirtyLaundry

#4443 reply report

lol @ weekendnachos I enjoy being your crutch!

- Posted by Mashed Potatoes

#4456 reply report

HAPPY 2014!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4455 reply report

To General Lucy
Tankpit Headquarters
Re: Tournament 1 January 2014
Dear General,
It was an intense battle in the final moments of
conflict. I was battling head to head with an
Orange tank " herb " who was a Captain in 3rd
place when we initially engaged.
About 45 seconds into the last minute of battle I
saw my rank increase to lieutenant. In the fog of

war I did not see " herb " advance in rank but
assumed he was making similar points in the
onslaught. It was a grand battle fought well by
Imagine my surprise when I viewed the results!
I was pleased to be in the 25 but was utterly
confused when I saw " herb " was Number 1 but also
Number 3 !?
What's the deal Gen Lucy? Two " herb " tanks?
The " herb " tank was promoted at the exact end
of conflict and a glitch listed his tank in both
places at the same instant? 2 awards to the same

Hope this helped Gen. Lucy! not sure this is
defender quality

- Posted by K R U S H R


#4457 reply report

Simpsons cant take raids alone. Sad for players who claim legitimacy and enjoying "taking raids". fact is none of you can actually survive a 5 vs 1 unless you got someone holdin yall down on radars. Judge gets owned and cant even fire more than 10 shots back. Then runs from every raid on him after he gets his shields burnt. All high ranks only showing up to raid further proves my point that you all dodge like its a job and only show up in numbers to raid down the legit players and solo players and new players on ranks you dont even need. Lucky for you im not a hypocrite and i still take your garbage premined long moved raids. Can't say the same for you beta males. Surprised darwinism hasn't taken you out yet.

- Posted by weekend nachos


#4450 reply report

I like your style weenie, keep trying to get better each tourney and a cup will be in your future.

- Posted by cdub I

#4448 reply report

Come on it was 2014. What was I to do?

- Posted by Snearboy

#4447 reply report

Good Luck Dinky! You've got mad skills!

- Posted by Thundercracker

#4446 reply report

Grats to those that won cups. I came in 7 - 10 mins late never intended to win or expect to win but I did happy about it lol. Sorry it was a cup I didn't need but I don't win much but if I got chance imma take it. :)

- Posted by mark

#4445 reply report

Thank you again for your commentary. I'm not new to the game, I used to play back in the old days, and I had won many cups under different names. That was when most of the players were using dial up modems. First time I was ever eliminated though. I'll try again.
Many tournaments and meets are qualifiers for bigger and better Tournaments and meets, I submitted the idea to Tankpit, I hope they consider it. I’m talking abort having 2 different kinds of tournaments, the regular tournaments would be qualifiers for the last man standing tournaments. I’m sure that most of the more experienced players with cups would like to see another level to the tournaments that are a little harder and challenging. Any player who would like to see another level to the tournaments please submit a request to Tankpit and let them know how you feel. I think it would promote and enhancing the tankpit experience.
Congratulations and WTG Mark for winning your golden cup.
Happy New Year

- Posted by dinky