
December 12, 2020


#20021 reply report

One Hit Noob: A Limerick
There was an old tank with a rusty sword,
who once said, "Oh dear Lord! -
I just can't get a cup!
I'm like a baby girl pup,
Why do I suck at this game over which my heart is poured?!

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

December 11, 2020


#20018 reply report

One Noob, A Ballad
the melodious cadence
of my poetry
belies the resonating silence
of your meaningless yapping.
the lyrics of my poems
across an unending
canvas of a 2d battlefield
your armor shields
my only enemy.

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

December 10, 2020


#20014 reply report

Gotta love how nubs don't know how to spell ahahahahahahahahaha

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

#20013 reply report

One Noob Wonder; a Haiku
O One Noob,
Climb the leaderboard,
But slowly, slowly!
Trusting the Oranges, good and bad,
I bid farewell
To the departing year.
Everything you touch
with tenderness, alas,
gets deactivated like burnt grass.

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

December 09, 2020


#20009 reply report

An Ode to OneNoob:
Oh OneNoob,
your duals hurt double
your fuel tank lasts forever
your homing shots triple accurate
when they hit
Oh OneNoob,
with your tank so shiny,
and your sword so rusty
you give the tank such a rustic look.
Oh OneNoob,
Thank you for your being so noob.
you exemplify it
to the fullest.

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

December 07, 2020


#20008 reply report

Teufelhunde u just started this game 6 months ago shhhhhh u noob.
Look at my rusty sword. Look at how I can't get a cup. SHHHHHHH. I'm a wonder.

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

December 06, 2020


#20001 reply report

Dear all,
I rule!

- Posted by OneNoobWonder

December 04, 2020


#19990 reply report

Imagine having a rusty sword but not being able to cup in these 12 person tournaments. I'd necc.

- Posted by OneNoobWonder