ToxiC ReVolveR

June 18, 2020


#19122 reply report

Sorry about that kill, it wasn't what i was trying to do. I was trying to help you out with major so i had a higher ranked PPH partner. Maybe next time!

- Posted by ToxiC ReVolveR

May 16, 2020


#18909 reply report

Happens to the best of us. Iv died a few times while playing with hot keys thinking they saved after i changed them up and they didnt. Died in a tourney like that too.

- Posted by ToxiC ReVolveR

May 01, 2020


#18808 reply report

I know i just told FINESSE about my dog named lucy and how she plays better than him and likes to give kisses. However i know you and JamesChen are apart of some kind of Chinese mafia. Please leave my dog alone she isnt for sale, also she is very fatty and wont make for a good snacky snack. She loves to cuddle on the couch and hates duck sauce.

- Posted by ToxiC ReVolveR

#18807 reply report

MamaXiangQi is right if you wanna be an "Alpha Male" you really need to conserve your shields and radars. You could use some more practice taking raids. Maybe switch up your "hot keys" so you can hit shields super duper fast. I made the mistake today by not saving them and maybe you have too and i died super duper fast. If you need some raid taking tips n' tricks hit me up i can help you out. If not My Dog Plays Better Than You...her name is Lucy btw and likes to give kisses.

- Posted by ToxiC ReVolveR

April 18, 2020


#18703 reply report

I remember you from back in those days when mommy, whiner, and flyseggs held the top spots in rocks. your right about it being much harder to make rank back then. you had to outsmart your kills cuz most of the time they were 1v1 or 2v1. Using mines, no equipment and only turning it on when the person got dark. It was also a much slower game since almost everyone ran on dial up connections. Until "the Best" came in with broadband and was insanely fast everyone thought he was cheating.

- Posted by ToxiC ReVolveR