Posts for February 7, 2020


#18409 reply report

bro that is the definition of a hypocrite.
"a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs."
whatever. How does dying = getting better? If it's a 2v1 I'll fight. 4v1? What do you expect to do, win against that? Same thing in tournies you don't fight more than 2v1 . This conversation is going nowhere, just play the game

- Posted by LonelyBoy

#18415 reply report - new site layout and extra stuff. Navigate Section still under construction.

- Posted by Globe Master


#18411 reply report

Congrats on finally cupping Corpse Reviver. Too bad you couldn't win a tourney that actually had more skilled players. Just know that your cup is tainted knowing you couldn't win in a tourney against me. You should rename your tank to Corpse Reviver V since you're the fifth best. :-D

- Posted by Corpse Reviver

#18412 reply report

Congrats on finally cupping Corpse Reviver. Too bad you couldn't win a tourney that actually had more skilled players. Just know that your cup is tainted knowing you couldn't win in a tourney against me. You should rename your tank to Corpse Reviver V since you're the fifth best. :-D

- Posted by Corpse Reviver II

#18413 reply report

Congrats on finally cupping Corpse Reviver. Too bad you couldn't win a tourney that actually had more skilled players. Just know that your cup is tainted knowing you couldn't win in a tourney against me. You should rename your tank to Corpse Reviver V since you're the fifth best. :-D

- Posted by Corpse Reviver III

#18414 reply report

Congrats on finally cupping Corpse Reviver. Too bad you couldn't win a tourney that actually had more skilled players. Just know that your cup is tainted knowing you couldn't win in a tourney against me. You should rename your tank to Corpse Reviver V since you're the fifth best. :-D

- Posted by Corpse Reviver IV

#18416 reply report

NEANDERTHAL and RIP KOBE are one in the same. NEANDERTHAL controls them both for free kills and PPH on an empty field.(I stole his FK once and he cried and trolled me for 20 mins)
8 Kobe Bryant 24 gets a silver major by killing NEANDERTHAL in the OCEAN of apps.
Coincidence? I think not.....ban em.

- Posted by CKPA2020