Posts for January 4, 2020


#18244 reply report

as the original tamer, you're not associated or wanted. the only taming that's needed is my own works.

- Posted by N1993R T4M3R

#18250 reply report

Thank you on helping get that bot to SGT.

- Posted by pYrAmid insurgeNce

#18253 reply report

Calling people out asking for no teams, then still participating on one (albeit not the best team) is still hypocrisy.

- Posted by WEAKEND

#18254 reply report

all i want to know is... who is pYrAmid chAos?
its the greatest mystery these days since Fluke and BASEDGOD.

- Posted by PRIDE

#18255 reply report

Flop. I love you man. And i really enjoy being on the field with you. Class act. But please. Never again. Mention my skill level in the same group as that EPIC trash! Thanks!

- Posted by Lone Blue


#18249 reply report

Turns out you can become a captain just killing AI tanks. Have a corporal AI tank shoot you repeatedly and he will rank up to searg... then go in for the kill. Was bonus like this too? Who would have though

- Posted by IGF-1


#18245 reply report

I didn't come back to the tournament to give a free kill. Why would I do that??
I came back to try and rank back up to Lt, considering there was another 7 minutes left to play and I easily had enough EQ to rank up with this AI bots. Wanted to see if I was top Lt despite the death.
Next time, post on your main account? Lol that cowardness is a NEWB move, bud.

- Posted by IGF-1

#18246 reply report

I happened to not be able to outlive the swarm of tanks that came after me. Upset? Deal with it. But I wouldn't come in to give a free kill *rolls eyes*

- Posted by IGF-1

#18247 reply report

By the way all you had to do was ask me to not do that again, or even just say it's frowned upon? Some of you here are funny, thinking that attacking someone is a good way to have the person stop doing something you don't like. Forgot this is a kids game, what am I even commenting for. Keep on the trolling/flamming :D

- Posted by IGF-1

#18248 reply report

Big claps to every single one of you guys on the tournament of the 3rd of January. Except for that free kill we all saw at the begining, all of you played really great and it was awesome! And congrats to the winners of today!

- Posted by Flop

#18251 reply report

Just saw you were on the 2020 rankings list. Do you still play? Holy, you used to wipe the floor clean with all these tanks when it came to tournaments. Literally winning every single one.
Besides that one time, I saw you all the way up north in the middle of deep six map with an obstacle :) and stole your ferry :D. I then had UNLIMITED EQ, and just PPHd my way to the top. My first cup and gold at that, not even the revelation would have taken first even if he reached captain.

- Posted by IGF-1

#18252 reply report

If you still play tournies reach out somehow. I need to pick your brain on your crazy strageties which always seems to land you on top and never in the middle of the pack. (Even though starting Monday I probably won't be able to play for months or maybe years hehe, I'll be around until sunday).

- Posted by IGF-1