Posts for July 29, 2019


#17789 reply report

Hahahahahahaha...that's so funny......and right on.

- Posted by aBlUEtank

#17791 reply report

Congrats on that tldr Scimitar
only issue I found with it is you're here a considerable amount of time and pretty much do nothing with your time...
a little ironic don't you think?

- Posted by EPIC 7

#17792 reply report

That makes a ton of sense. Gotta be drawtothewheel

- Posted by S

#17793 reply report

Pawk pawk, what's happening

- Posted by Chicken


#17790 reply report

Speaking on the "Fake Scimitars" stuff about OSPF, you are completely correct OSPF is one of the biggest lifeless losers the world has ever seen. He doesn't miss any tournaments not to mention hardly win any (So having alot of cups lets you know truely how many he has played) Not to mention the fact he has probably roughly 1500 hours on his main tank (3 Rustys) , A 2nd Rusty on another tank, a battered on a 3rd, a shiner on a 4th...
2,600 hours that isn't even including tournaments.

- Posted by G O A T