Posts for July 27, 2021


#20627 reply report

AlysoN https://discord. gg/ qJcX8bj (see downloads page)
We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful community. We just had a recent uptick of new members!
It's a fun chat, but it gets tiring to hear these people talk about TANKPIT ALL DAY! Like come on dude, talk about something else for once!
The discord is a great way to learn more about the game and improve!

- Posted by JamesChen

#20628 reply report

It is that serious people that play this game everyday and get rusty’s every year shouldn’t be banned and people that never play be in the chat. You shouldn’t be an Admin your horrible.

- Posted by GenSicksWelfareCheck

#20629 reply report

Don't Join the main discord its crazy in there.
You've be warned.

- Posted by ToughEnuf

#20631 reply report

They buddy Thebrit , remember 1776? In typical Red coat fashion does not take raids and cowardly plays only for points while leeching off raids.

Remember when your soccer team lost to Italy in typical British Fashion? Makes sense from a country that worships BBC (news channel ofcourse)

LMAO your britbong's best dish is unseasoned fried fish and has a Mayor named Sadiq Khan. Careful in what you say, don't want to violate your British hate speech laws..

- Posted by JamesChen