Posts for December 27, 2018


#16825 reply report

OSPF is a maggot,
G*ogle translator has been created in 26 April 2006. U are really sure that your language is English? sometime I really do not understand nothing and G*ogle too. Anyway, I'm sure you're totally appreciating the game and its dynamics like me...when I was 9 years old.
U see? I can tear you down (not like your tank name "Maybe I should u d*e off) even without using swear words, are you sure you know your language?

- Posted by Sir GooFy

#16826 reply report

OSPF is a maggot,
P.S.(Post Scrittum, is latin, do u know latin?I don't think so): Join the Discord chat, it would be more interesting

- Posted by Sir GooFy