Posts for January 22, 2020


#18347 reply report

Please go back to doing whatever you were before this game because the stuff you are doing on the field is just pure b!tchmade. Spam talking sh!t then move back and forth, you suck. Just quit now.

- Posted by Skeleton Key

#18348 reply report

Lonely Boy,
Glad you found the game, another loser who runs... great... gj today

- Posted by pYrAmid compleX

#18349 reply report

-ex-nihilo -- What on earth are you doing? Sit in game and auto click around, then teleport away when someone gets near and shoots you. You just idling to get shiner?


#18350 reply report

Hey buddy, congrats on the speedy shiny and #1. Just wanted to say, you don't need to say 'I gotta go' when you wanna come back in on guest as the majority color :) I'm pretty sure by now everyone playing the game knows that it's you lol.

- Posted by SOLITUDE