Posts for July 20, 2017


#14607 reply report

There are a few people on here who are ranked higher than me with less playing time, if I'm not this the part where I'm supposed to cry now?
End yourself.

- Posted by DrawToTheWheel

#14608 reply report

DrawToTheWheel got rekt by ImHereToMakeYouCry.

- Posted by - Mercury -

#14609 reply report

Wait You are calling someone a beta when you don't even fight? Don't alpha's take fights and win them or at least earn respect? beta just bottom feed and run? you're logic is amazing.
if everyone played like you did we would all be Capt cause nobody would take raids... and we could never kill a LT.... Please I think EVERYONE knows you for being a runner/quitter. That's Alpha?
You realize people had to take raids and deaths to get you to your general? you're a leech bro.

- Posted by Nightfox


#14610 reply report

Fatty Tyler is trash

- Posted by Fat tyler got rekt