Posts for April 18, 2020


#18703 reply report

I remember you from back in those days when mommy, whiner, and flyseggs held the top spots in rocks. your right about it being much harder to make rank back then. you had to outsmart your kills cuz most of the time they were 1v1 or 2v1. Using mines, no equipment and only turning it on when the person got dark. It was also a much slower game since almost everyone ran on dial up connections. Until "the Best" came in with broadband and was insanely fast everyone thought he was cheating.

- Posted by ToxiC ReVolveR

#18706 reply report

Aeris, you are quite frankly one of the worst players to ever touch this game.
Triple star has no merit in this game, it has become merely a luck of the draw that you are participating in a raid and get that final shot at the colonel or general.
Hmu when you finally stop getting deactivated by bots and maybe we can play together. Until then enjoy losing to computers. Silly prideful American.

- Posted by JamesChen


#18704 reply report

I tried to give you a kill of my tank and you teleported away when I did LMAO IGF-1 got the kill.
Hope you and your 6 kids are enjoying the free healthcare and education the stupid USA is giving you. hopefully they can become contributing members of society... not placing any bets though.

- Posted by JamesChen

#18705 reply report

You are a bad person inside and out. You are horrible in the game, horrible in your appearance, and you soul is dark.
Enjoy bragging by getting PWND by a bot! frickin idiot.
Lmao stupid American pride.

- Posted by JamesChen