Posts for March 18, 2013


#2301 reply report



#2304 reply report

Lol, I think it's funny how majors and generals are swarming an LT. I'm only a lieutenant... how well am I expected to perform against those odds? It's obvious that the generals attacking me were on the top 25 list, meaning they never take a beating from swarms of another color. They seem like runners and unfair players if you ask me. These generals and high ranks were blue. It's annoying to be killed by a rank who gets no use out of killing me. Just seems like they are bullying or can't handle the 5v1's against themselves, especially of equal rank. I won't name drop but it's really sad.

- Posted by WoLvErInE


#2306 reply report

RECONNAISSANCE, getcha has tried to cheat in EVERY tournament he has entered so far. I do not understand how he can't get the points to place. I know in bf he speed hacked and took free kills. I guess on a level playing field it really shows how bad he is.

- Posted by Krusty The Clown


#2302 reply report

pretty obvious you were bein fkd in that tournament by joker. Also makes it especially obvious when you have someone fk you to gen in main map right after. ironic you complain about cheating when you just tried to pull it off. try harder tho!
This is a dumb video game (has-been dumb kid video game). Chill Recon - get a life. You are all no life pathetic cheaters.. !

- Posted by xXxSMoKiN TiMeSxXx

#2305 reply report

RECONNAISSANCE - getchya owns you and the rest of these punks... Some of you have an advantage supposevily caused by latency but most of us know better.. Play on site losers...

- Posted by Old Blue