Posts for April 7, 2024


#24000 reply report

Shibmialco , bahahaha using cheats? Maybe if you weren’t the one in map with two accounts constantly and weren’t trying to switch between the two you’d be able to keep up. You might want to accuse someone else of that before you try accusing me or anyone that has actually played their Joe tank. I’m not in the “cool” kid club so I definitely don’t know what “cheats” you’re referring to other than the fact that you just suck. You’re a lying troll period end of story.

- Posted by Snake Eyes

#24003 reply report

Jie fu You're not very bright. Time was running out and a series of little girls had just gamed the entire tourney by promoting from Sergeant to Lieutenant at the last possible second. There was only one chance at moving to Captain to cup and it was to go guns blazing at the last second. Unfortunately for me, I ran into a group of like 5 or 6 tanks attacking me at the same time (all different colors, definitely doesn't seem suspect at all, but I digress...) and my shields got wiped.

- Posted by Nurgle loves you


#24002 reply report

High Friends! I'M the best tank Lucky Luciano shoots for points every night! The sad thing is ive been doing this for years and still cant accomplish beating my BEST season ever in 2019 i One hit wonder of #3 yearly. The past 5 years since my # 3 overall i haven't been able to cheat my way. I shoot my own tank every year and still fail! what am i doing wrong? How do you be
come #1 2024?

- Posted by OHWs MiCRO D1K


#24001 reply report

Cry cry cry about people sitting serg then one loser has to keep doing it. We all ranked while you sat 1v1 with your little troll buddy feeding you pts. Then squintz is a complete reject and dies in the final minute. NEWS FLASH squintz if you are not in contention and are on the negative side of a fight ie: 1v2-3, you need to port and not die screwing others that aren’t idiots like yourself out of a cup. I appreciate you wasting my hour for me reject.

- Posted by Zhang Liao