Posts for April 29, 2013


#2450 reply report

After observing/ playing now just for only a couple days, I can say that I have a lot to learn about the finer tactics of this game. Here I am barely able to survive against three people for five minutes, when players such as Viper or Krusty can take survive with six or seven players for around 15 minutes or longer.
I was always ranked captain on Bonus, and I guess i will always be ranked captain on here as well. Sure I might make it to Colonel at some point, but I cannot seem to survive at all when I get a gang against me.
For those of you who I have had the privilege of playing against the past couple of days, I am sorry if you think that I run too often or I don't put up much of a fight; I am just trying to learn how to balance taking on raids with getting massacred in a few seconds (something which happened two or three times today).
Bare with me while I attempt to learn the intricacies of the game, but I assure you I will never quit low in order to save rank.

- Posted by FallenVictor

#2451 reply report

Good playing with you all, and I will see you all out on the maps soon (but not this week for I have exams).
Thanks for taking the time to read that novel of a post, but I thought that I had to share.
The FV
FallenVictor (O) FallenValor (R) FinalVictory (P) FinalVeritas (B)

- Posted by FallenVictor

#2452 reply report

Many promotions were given this Sunday. Congrats to all who made the accomplishments. You all worked very hard for it.

- Posted by Dead Metal