Posts for March 20, 2012


#975 reply report

nah bro, my grandmother had an emergency that night and left my tank in a whole 2-3 hours unattented, i thought i turned it with (Q) off but obviously i didnt, which it doesnt matter cause her health and safety has no measure. Keep fighting hard on the fields!!!

- Posted by F-2 Banshee

#976 reply report

Guys sorry I quit low today my grandma fell off her rocker! I had to quickly run to her rescue because she was not wearing her LIFE ALERT! LIFE ALERT SAVES LIVES! AND PREVENTS QUIT LOWS!

- Posted by Liquified

#979 reply report

Yo wherz all the fuel at i muzta died like 50 times to mines and you suckas killing me when i get to a high rank im gonna stop ya foolz Say hello to a blue mine. bluez if you see me out their ill hell you.

- Posted by an error


#977 reply report

Whatever are you talking about Nameless? This is a fair invitation to our crew; I'm looking pass your first tournament incident and awarding you a position based on your playing style. If you don't understand my motive, than by golly, I might have to reconsider the offer. I thought you would have the smarts to clearly figure out my point, otherwise your new tank should be BrainlessIzzles.
Regards, nub killahz

- Posted by TDK AFG Butt BUddies

#978 reply report


- Posted by Maraxus